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Emergency procedure

There are different levels of risks associated with possible retinal tears, so it is best to seek assessment as soon as possible to avoid worsening of a condition. As a general rule you should try to make sure that you are seen within 48 hours of experiencing changes in your vision which are causing you concern.

What to do next…

Choose one of the following two action buttons:

1. If you are registered with the Stickler Clinic at Addenbrooke’s:

Registered with Addenbrooke’s

2. If you are not registered with the Stickler Clinic at Addenbrooke’s and your clinic is elsewhere:

Not Registered

You may need to be seen by a specialist retinal surgeon, so contact your GP, your Optician, or your local Eye Hospital in the first instance.

Remember: Remain calm and don’t be rushed into diagnosis or treatments from non-specialised services.