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We've carried out a wide sweep of contacting as many people as possible on the existing membership database. It looks like a full review of 'membership', and addressing the purpose and benefits of a renewed database, will need to be a wider conversation for later in the year.

  • Looking directly at membership benefits over time by working with partners, securing charitable funding and developing the charity to meet the challenges of 2024 and beyond.
  • Facilitating and organising a range of community events, large and small, physical and online to allow us to reach everyone across the UK – discussing a wide range of topics on living with Stickler Syndrome. We are committed to having a wider reach in the longer term, but not for the purposes of revenue.
  • Become part of the team, and part of the whole conversation, by offering your services or support and help us to meet objectives as we grow and build our Stickler Syndrome community. Just drop us a message at with a little bit of background info so we can get a good idea of where you might best help.

Watch this space for more information on how we build our community from the foundations of our existing membership...